Japanese Karaoke Competition in Kathmandu

The 12th Japanese Language Karaoke Competition was held in Nepal Academy hall on 9th November 2019. The competition was jointly organized by the Embassy of Japan and Japanese Language Teachers’ Association, Nepal (JALTAN). The competition is held annually, and is aimed to introduce Japanese culture and language to Nepali people.  This competition was jointly supported by the Japanese Association in Nepal; the Japanese Universities Alumni Association, Nepal (JUAAN); the JICA Alumni Association of Nepal (JAAN), and sponsor companies. We really appreciate their kind cooperation.
There were more than 450 people in the audience on the day.  The participants competed to impress them with Japanese songs of their choice in the individual and group sections. Mr. Anikesh Rai from the Japanese Language & Education Culture Centre (JLECC) came first among the 18 contestants.

Ambassador Saigo attended the event and commented on the impressive performances by the participants and encouraged them to learn more about Japan and hoped their success in the future.